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The system requirements are: Windows 95, NT 3.51, NT 4.0* \VCLIENT.BIN Symantec Visual Cafe Pro Symantec Visual Cafe Pro Visual Cafe Pro, Symantec Visual Cafe Symantec Visual Cafe Visual Cafe SYMLOGO.BMP6 Symantec Visual Cafe SetupA Symantec Visual Cafe SetupA Symantecb8 1.0a VCAFE.EXER InstallPath2 \BIN\VCAFE.EXE C:\VisualCafe\ Symantec Visual Cafe SetupA Symantec Software License Agreement Please read the following license agreement. Use the scrollbar to view the rest of the agreement. Do you accept all of the terms of the preceding license agreement? If so, click the "Accept" push button. If you select "Do Not Accept", Setup will close. license.txt SUN Microsystems License Agreement Please read the following license agreement. Use the scrollbar to view the rest of the agreement. Do you accept all of the terms of the preceding license agreement? If so, click the "Accept" button. If you select "Do Not Accept", Setup will close. licenses.txt Product Install Please select the product that you want to install. @15001;1;255,0,255A @15002;1;255,0,255A @15003;1;255,0,255A @15004;1;255,0,255A Visual Cafe Pro Install the Visual Cafe Pro Product. dbAnywhere Server Install the dbAnywhere Server. Sybase 5.5 Install Sybase SQL Anywhere Local Database Engine 5.5. $ This option will require you to reboot your system when done. Install Complete You have finished installing the components that you need. DBAW\SETUP.INS SYBASE\WINNT\SETUP.EXE3 SYBASE\WIN95\SETUP.EXE3 Symantec Visual Cafe Setupa Type Choose the type of installation by clicking a one of the buttons. Symantec Visual Cafe Setupa Options Select the components that you want to install. viscafe Program Files! Program FilesB; dbAnywhere Client Files! dbAnywhere Client FilesB; \HELP.BIN Help FilesA \SOURCE.BIN Custom Component Source! Custom Component SourceB; \TUTORIAL.BIN Tutorial! TutorialB; \SAMPLES.BIN Sample Files! Sample FilesB; Program FilesA Main Program File.` Custom Component SourceA Source Files for Custom Components.` Help FilesA Help Files.` TutorialA Tutorial Files.` Sample FilesA Sample Files.( Help Stuff` Help FilesA Visual Cafe Help Files! Visual Cafe Help FilesB; Visual Cafe User's Guide! Visual Cafe User's GuideB; Java API Help Files! Java API Help FilesB; Java Language Reference! Java Language ReferenceB; Visual Cafe Help FilesA RAD Help Files` Visual Cafe User's GuideA WIN API Components` Java API Help FilesA Java API Help Files` Java Language ReferenceA Language Reference_ Help Files! Program Files! Custom Component Source! Tutorial! Sample Files! You must Select at least one component before continuingA Bin\VCAFE.EXE SOFTWARE\a Symantec$ SOFTWARE\a Symantec$ \Application SOFTWARE\a Symantec$ InstalledApps SOFTWARE\a Symantec$ SharedUsage Java\Bin Readme.txt Tutorial\% Tourdoc.pdf ;"%PATH%" Java\src 3.51( Start Copying b8 Setup has enough information to start copying the a4 program files. If you want to review or change any $ settings, click Back. If you are satisfied with the $ settings, click Install to begin copying files. Target DirectoryA Directory: b# Source DirectoryA Directory: b 3.51( 3.51( Help FilesA Visual Cafe Help FilesA Visual Cafe User's GuideA Java API Help FilesA Java Language ReferenceA Sample FilesA TutorialA Custom Component SourceA Program Files! 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Copying Program files... VISCAFE.BINa *.*B; Copying Symantec files... VCLIENT.BINa *.*B; Copying System files... SYSFILES.BINa *.*B; 3.51( _SETUP.LIBa ctl3d32.dllA Copying Symantec files... SYMANTEC.BINa *.dllB; Copying Uninstallation files... VISCAFE.BINa VCUNINST.EXEB; Custom Component Source! Copying Component Source files... SOURCE.BINa *.*B; Help Files! Copying Help files... HELP.BINa *.*B; Tutorial! Copying Tutorial files... TUTORIAL.BINa *.*B; Sample Files! Copying Sample files... SAMPLES.BINa *.*B; VisCafe VisCafeA Unable to create a directory under b Please check write access to this directory.* General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ 3.51( wint351.exe wintdist.exe javasrc.txt JAVA\.hotjava JAVA\.hotjava temp.INIa properties$ Symantec$ appletviewer.version=1.0e JAVA\.hotjava$ properties VCUNINST.EXEa VCUNINST.EXE VCuninst.exe 3.51( /ITOOLS$ /ITOOLS Program Files! \BIN: ReadMeb+ Tutorial! \Tutorial\Tourdoc.ico: Visual Cafe Tutorial BookbN 3.51( UNINST.EXE Symanteca Uninstall$ \Uninst.exe: Setup is complete. You must restart the system to execute b8 Install Complete, please wait...A Environment Install Complete, please wait...A \BIN\Shell.exe \BIN\ Shell.exe! Failed to delete Shell.exeA \BIN\LOCAL.RPS Your existing Visual Cafe repository has been updated.A \BIN\ LOCAL.rps! Failed to delete "Local.rps"A VCafe.reg! Failed to delete "vcafe.reg"A Visaul Cafe.vws! Failed to delete "Visual Cafe.vws"A Symantec Visual Cafe Pro install complete. Click OK to return to the main selection dialog.A Program Files! Installation Complete. Would you like to read the Visual Cafe README file now?A \readme.txt3 notepadbS Tutorial! You need the Acrobat Reader to view the Tutorial files. Would you like to install Acrobat Reader now?A VCAFE\! AcroRead\ AR32E30.exeRM AR32E30.exe Setup couldn't find the Acrobat Reader installer.A edit( SETUPSTR862RS Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. ErrorbT _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, USER! RegisteredOwner2 RegisteredOrganization2 SdRegisterUserEx! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA SdRegisterUserEx! szNameA szCompanyA szSerialA ResultA SdRegisterUser! ResultA szNameA szCompanyA SdRegisterUser! szNameA szCompanyA ResultA SdConfirmRegistration! 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ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A ResultA bOpt1A bOpt2A This program requires VGA or better resolution.A Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersiona Version2 Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersiona CurrentVersion2 Program Files( dbAnywhere Client Files( Tutorial( Sample Files( Custom Component Source( Visual Cafe Help Files( Visual Cafe User's Guide( Java API Help Files( Java Language Reference( Program Files( dbAnywhere Client Files( Tutorial( Sample Files( Custom Component Source( Visual Cafe Help Files( Visual Cafe User's Guide( Java API Help Files( Java Language Reference( Program Files( dbAnywhere Client Files( Tutorial( Sample Files( Custom Component Source( Visual Cafe Help Files( Visual Cafe User's Guide( Java API Help Files( Java Language Reference( Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\a Visual Cafe UninstallString2 UninstallStringA /ITOOLSa "Visual Cafe"$ "1.0"$ "English" ITLUParmsA _EWQ8 3.00.077